Weight Loss Foods

Reducing weight involves joint effort of exercise and proper diet. The food should be selected sensibly to have effective weight loss. There are various types of weight loss foods available in the market or can be cooked at home for breakfast lunch and dinner. Your taste buds will also compliment such food.

Diet Shakes
For kick starting your day with something healthy, cool and nutritional a diet shake is just perfect. The shakes are available in different lip smacking flavors like vanilla, chocolate or royale. These balanced shakes provide 180 calories along with vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. With such shakes as weight loss foods you will be able to save around 60 calories and 6 grams of fat in a day when compared to other drinks.

Scrambled Egg Whites
Another important weight loss food is scrambled eggs that provide 54g protein in less calorie count of 255. The Eggology egg whites prepared in fat free Pam oil along with vegetables like mushrooms and spinach helps to save 40 calories and 13 grams of fat.

Tossed Salad with Croutons
Green salad is an important weight loss food that can be consumed in various different means. You can make your salad appear different by decorating it with beans, fruits and croutons. With this you will be able to save 100 calories along with 28 grams of fat. There will be increased amount of iron, fiber and Vitamin C intake with such salad.

Frozen Blueberries and Grapes
If you want to fulfill your craving for creamy dessert then go in for frozen fruits that provide you nutrition, taste and refreshment. These fruits are easy to store at home or can be brought from market in the frozen form. Due to their texture and sweet taste these fruits alarm your body of stop eating even before you are done completely. Thus they help you to have less consumption and reduce weight.

Dried Dates and Papaya
If you have sweet tooth then go in for dry snacks fruit rather than candies. However, make it sure that you don’t overeat. Dried papaya, and dates will help you to have good amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and iron. As compared to raisins which are very popular, these fruits are better as they require more of the chewing time and thus you will not over eat them. As compared to handful of raisins and other candies, 4-5 pieces of these fruits save around 150 calories.

These are just a few. You can do lots of experiments and innovations with your weight loss foods to make them more tasty and healthy.
[Enceel - Weight Loss Foods]

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